Leadership → Management Skills

米国での人事考課書の書き方:How to Write Performance Evaluation (English) (aMS006)


In the United States, personnel appraisals are of great significance in protecting a company from proceedings. You will learn how to fill out a personnel appraisal report in English based on the personnel appraisal report actually used by US companies.

1. Basic Performance Evaluation Tips
2. Beware of Rater Bias
3. Legal Tips for Writing Evaluations
4. How to Make Evaluation Writing Easier.
5. Case Studies
6 Summary

Useful resource: How to Write Performance Evaluation "SAMPLE PHRASES AND LANGUAGE" (PDF)

Time to finish this course :45 minutes
  • MSE_06_How to Write Evaluation eLearning Course
  • MS006_How to Write Performance Evaluation PowerPoint
  • How to Write Performance Evaluation SAMPLE PHRASES AND LANGUAGE.pdf
  • MS006_Performance Evaluation Form Sample
  • survey_1614031024
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed