Human Resources → HR Essentials

Bullying and Violence (HRE07)

Bullying isn’t just confined to the playground, you know. In fact, research suggests that almost three-quarters of us have experienced workplace bullying in some form or another, either as a victim or a witness to it. And bullying doesn’t have to be physical violence either – it usually amounts to verbal, written, or social harassment of some sort.

In the workplace, anyone can be on the receiving end of bullying. People may become targets because they are highly skilled, smart or charming, and that threatens the bully. So, we’re all at risk and need to take steps to detect and eliminate bullying behavior.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the role of HR
• Respond to bullying
• Protect employees from bullying and violence

Why take this course?

If you work in HR, it’s the primary purpose of your team to ensure a solid, compliant work environment. That means improving efforts to eradicate workplace bullying. This can be achieved by simple steps such as taking harassment training and having a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and violence. Find out how to implement these steps and more during this course.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

  • Bullying and Violence
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed