日本語 (Japanese language) → 人事労務ウエビナー HR Webinar Video (Japanese)

アメリカ雇用法ウエビナー(3) EEOを構成する連邦法 EEO and its federal law (Japanese) (HR1003)

対象: 日本人駐在員、人事担当者




1. EEOを構成する連邦法
2. Protected Class(保護されるクラス)
3. 連邦公民権法第7章(Civil Rights Act. Title VII)
4. CA Employment and Housing Act
5. Equal Pay Act (均等賃金支払い法)
6. Protected Leave
7. FMLA 家族医療休暇法(1993)
8. ADA (米国人障碍者法(1990)
9. 日系企業にとってのHR上のチャレンジ

Audience: Japanese Expat

Length: 41 minutes

Format: Video and PowerPoint material

Description (English)
An easy-to-understand video introduction to American employment law, which is difficult for expatriates to understand. Important information for managers hiring employees in the United States to protect a company that must be seen at least once. We will also discuss issues that Japanese companies are likely to fall into, including differences between Japan and the United States and examples of problems that have occurred in the past.

1. Federal law that makes up EEO
2. Protected Class
3. Civil Rights Act. Title VII
4. CA Employment and Housing Act
5. Equal Pay Act
6. Protected Leave
7. FMLA Family Medical Leave Act (1993)
8. ADA (American Disabled Persons Act (1990)
9. Challenges on HR for Japanese companies
  • アメリカ雇用法ウエビナー(3) EEOを構成する連邦法 EEO and its federal law (Japanese)
  • ビデオ: アメリカ雇用法ウエビナー(3) EEOを構成する連邦法 EEO and its federal law (Japanese)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed