Human Resources → Mental Health Awareness

Introduction to Psychological Safety (MHA03)

Would you be able to do your best work if you didn’t feel able to speak up or take risks? Probably not. And you’re not alone. Most people would struggle to achieve their full potential in such a workplace. And that’s where psychological safety comes in. Psychologically safe workplaces allow all employees to feel valued. They’re environments where everyone feels safe to share ideas and even make mistakes.

Psychologically unsafe workspaces undermine the well-being and productivity of teams. Innovation and growth are also less likely. Understanding what psychological safety is will show you its importance. And defining the 4 pillars of psychological safety will help you contribute to a healthier workplace.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain what psychological safety is, so you can contribute to it in your workplace
• List the 4 pillars of psychological safety, so you know what a contributes to a psychologically safe workplace
• Recognize behaviors that undermine psychological safety in the workplace, so you can avoid them

Why take this course?

Everyone deserves to work somewhere they feel safe to share ideas and learn from mistakes. That’s why everyone can benefit from learning more about psychological safety in the workplace. This course will introduce you to the concept. It’ll break down its 4 pillars. And it’ll outline the behaviors that undermine psychological safety in the workplace.

10 mins | SCORM | Infographic

  • Introduction to Psychological Safety
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed